Hello. Some of y’all might remember me. Some might not. And that’s ok, but for those who don’t know me. My name is Lolbitlover56, I joined this wiki on 1/24/2024, I joined for a former friend, that being KittenLove1311. Anyways. Let me explain where I’ve been.
What I’ve been up to in life:
First of all. I would like to say I became semi active to inactive after May 21st 2024 when I graduated from High School.
Im starting college in January 2025. I already have my drivers license (I passed my drivers test on 10/31/2024, effectively getting my license from my local DMV on 11/01/2024)
I got a job now. I work at my local McDonald’s (my town has 2 stores, one near the Sheriffs Office and the other near the Movies, the one I work at is near the Movies). And I’m currently in training.