Kids Baking Championship Wiki

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Kids Baking Championship Wiki
Kids Baking Championship Wiki

In a Dessert Imposters Episode, the bakers need to make desserts that resemble another kind of food. Usually, there is exactly one Dessert Imposters Episode in every season of the Kids Baking Championship. Here is a list of every Dessert Imposters Episode held.

List of Dessert Imposters Episodes of the KBC
"Dessert Imposters" (Season 1) · "Dessert Imposters 2.0" (Season 2) · "Comfort Food Dessert Imposters" (Season 3) · "Lunchbox Impostors" (Season 4) · "Imposter Italiano" (Season 5) · "Let's Taco About Baking" (Season 6) · "International Intrigue" (Season 7) · "Sammy Whammy" (Season 8) · "Three Square Meals" (Season 9) · "BBQ LOL OMG" (Season 10) · "Biz Kids: Power Lunch Imposters" (Season 11) · "Bake to School: Lunch Bell" (Season 12) · "Amazing Animals: Animal Snackers" (Season 13)

Note: The episode in italic is unaired.
