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Kids Baking Championship Wiki
Kids Baking Championship Wiki

"You're in the Ballpark" is the fifth episode of Season 5 of Kids Baking Championship[1] and the 37th overall. It first took place on September 3rd, 2018.[2]



Thirteen-year-old singing ventriloquist Darci Lynne and her puppet Petunia hang out at the ballpark with Valerie Bertinelli and Duff Goldman while they enjoy their favorite stadium snack of all -- popcorn! This buttery treat inspires the Big Bake challenge where the kid bakers are tasked with making over-the-top popcorn desserts.[3]


Darci Lynne and Petunia guest starred on this episode. The bakers had to make baseball inspired desserts with popcorn. They were: cookie bar (Matthew), tart (Taylor), cheesecake (Saylor), Bundt cake (Natasha), and macaron (Issi). The twist was they had to make an edible baseball or something they could find at a baseball diamond.

Full Plot[]

Matthew made a shortbread cookie bar with dulce de leche chocolate ganache and popcorn. For the twist, he made a popcorn marshmallow treat baseball. Saylor made a french toast bacon cheesecake with graham cracker and popcorn crust. For the twist, she made a caramel popcorn rice cereal treat baseball.




Guest Stars[]

  • Darci Lynne Farmer

Placement Chart[]

Placement Chart
Contestant Placement
Matthew Winner
Natasha Top
Taylor Middle
Issi Bottom
Saylor Eliminated(5th Place overall)
(Winner) The baker was the winner of the episode.
(Top) The baker was one of the judges' favourite bakers in the episode, but didn't win.
(Middle) The baker got through to the next round.
(Bottom) The baker was one of the judges' least favourite bakers in the episode, but was not eliminated.
(Eliminated) The baker was eliminated from the championship.


  • TBA


The image gallery for "You're in the Ballpark" may be viewed here.


List of episodes of KBC Season 5
"#Selfieclairs" · "Defying Gravity" · "Ice Screamers" · "Imposters Italiano" · "You're in the Ballpark" · "Bite-Sized Birthday Party" · "Winning Colors"